Alex Shkurny

Filmustage summer update: Scene Breaks & Headings Editor

Filmustage is excited to present new features!

How to do a script breakdown?

Everything you need to know about script breakdown in one place.

Scary, ridiculous, and daring: The best B-horror movies

We delved into the world of horror to tell you about its coolest representatives.

Poker on film: Why casinos remain appealing in cinema

Have you ever wondered about the essence of casinos in cinema? Well, we decided to reflect on this subject in our little blog.

Paul Thomas Anderson: Subtle genius or bold innovator

Paul Thomas Anderson, simply one of the best storytellers in cinema. Why? Well, there's no short story to tell.

Top 7 best film production management software 2022

Find and choose the best software for film production and pre production management to breakdown a script, create movie scheduling and manage film production process.

Music enthusiast and cinephile: Jim Jarmusch

“If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically.” ― Jim Jarmusch

On the border between film and music: Damien Chazelle

What is the price of a dream? We believe director Damien Chazelle will help us find the mark.

Defining truthfulness: Alfonso Cuaron

"The only reason you make a movie is not to make or set out to do a good or a bad movie, it's just to see what you learn for the next one"

Mastering minimalism: Roger Deakins

Who is the most iconic filmmaker alive? Well, many will say Roger Deakins, and we won't argue with them.

How the line producers can benefit from Filmustage software

Everything you need to know about the line producer profession.

In search of meaning: Paolo Sorrentino

What do you think of Italian cinema? We at Filmustage adore it, so our new blog is dedicated to Paolo Sorrentino.

Filmustage update: New Visual References board, Total Summary, and Notes 2.0 features

Filmmaking involves a clear vision: From the beginning to the end of production, the creative process involves many aspects such as costumes, makeup, technique, light, and color, as well as many others. And to answer the question of what my film will look like, you'll need to look at references.

On the Verge of Images: Meryl Streep

Hold your breath, because today we will be talking about the great and irresistible Meryl Streep!

Dissecting man: David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg recently recalled himself with his triumphant return to his roots. So let us devote today's material to the great and terrible Cronenberg.

Book a Demo

You can book a live demo with Filmustage experts to explore the full capabilities of the App.