Create a Full Script or Scene Synopsis Automatically

Say goodbye to the time-consuming process of reading and summarizing for script synopses. With Filmustage, automate your synopsis creation and receive comprehensive summaries in minutes.

Get a comprehensive script or scene synopsis with just one click
Reduced Manual Work and Production Costs

Get a comprehensive script or scene synopsis with just one click

Filmustage's AI saves you time by quickly analyzing your script, identifying key elements like twists, characters, and plot points, and providing a comprehensive story overview without manual effort.Enjoy:

  • Effortless Synopsis Creation: Craft the synopses for both the entire script and individual scenes with the press of a single button.
  • Customizable Scene Synopsis Editing: Adapt the scene synopsis to your needs with options to select its length and make manual adjustments.
Export your synopses efficiently
Easy Access and Sharing

Export your synopses efficiently

Easily transfer your synopsis to other pre-production platforms and save it in formats convenient for you and your team:

  • Export your scenes synopses results to industry-standard software like Movie Magic Scheduling, Gorilla Scheduling, Final Draft and XLSX.
  • Export your full script synopsis results to PDF for easy sharing and editing.
Keep your crew informed
Better coordination and productivity

Keep your crew informed

Make sure everyone on your team knows exactly what's happening in your story. Keep all project stakeholders in the loop with:

  • Full script synopsis for a clear and consistent understanding of the content.
  • Synopses that provide essential scene details.
  • Automatic synopsis updates that adapt to script changes.

Trusted and featured by

Experts in tech and moviemaking.

makers and shakers awards 2023
No Film School
Filmmaker Magazine
Crafty Apes
The Production Guild
Product Hunt


What professionals say about us.

Security first

Here's why you can trust us with your projects.

Multi-factor authentication

We use OKTA, an industry-leading security solution, to strengthen our platform's security.

Secure location

All scripts are securely stored on cloud-based servers located in the United States.

No access for third-parties

Neither Filmustage nor any third party has access to your scripts.

Hall of Fame

Standout projects created with Filmustage.

Ready to pass pre-production faster?

Forget about manual labor - save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on pre-production routines.


Frequently asked questions

  • What technology does Filmustage use for script scene synopsis creation?

  • Can I customize the synopses generated by Filmustage?

  • How does Filmustage aid in crew communication and coordination?

  • Is it possible to export the synopses created on Filmustage?

Partners and collaborations

Filmustage partners, collaborations, and perks.

Film Freeway
Film Local
Golden Script
Newmedia Film Festival
British Urban Film Festival
Filmmaker Success
Writers Territory
Film Munchen
UNCSA Filmmaking
Boston University
Central Film School
Nova Scotia Community College
Fresh Voices
Film Ink
Puissant Holdings Company
Phoenix Rising International Film Festival
Cube Production

Book a Demo

You can book a live demo with Filmustage experts to explore the full capabilities of the App.