
Shocking style of Darren Aronofsky

Darren Aronofsky's movies are unlikely to be popular among the masses. Even many movie lovers are critical of his works and claim that his films are hard to watch. However, the inconsistency of his work suggests that it is an art that has a message, and today we will try to figure it out.

Edgar Wright: Mastery of visual comedy

English cinema has a special place in the industry. Unique humor and subtle irony are what films from the Foggy Albion are famous for. Edgar Wright is one of the most famous British directors, whose name has become synonymous with quality English comedy.

Violence, neon, and retro-wave: What demon is inside of Nicholas Winding Refn pt. 2

Here is the 2nd part of us discovering the filmography of the Danish master.

Violence, neon, and retro-wave: What demon is inside of Nicholas Winding Refn pt. 1

The name Nicholas Winding Refn is one of the most recognizable names in the industry of moviemaking. Making rather simple stories he has made himself as one of the masters of visual storytelling.

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