Filmustage update: New Visual References board, Total Summary, and Notes 2.0 features
Filmmaking involves a clear vision: From the beginning to the end of production, the creative process involves many aspects such as costumes, makeup, technique, light, and color, as well as many others. And to answer the question of what my film will look like, you'll need to look at references.

Well, Filmustage is happy to present our solution!
Visual References board feature provides the possibility to convert your thoughts into visual images and share them with the crew. You're free to attach a reference to each and every tag in your breakdown by choosing pictures from the asset stores, image stocks, or by uploading your own.

Details are crucial, aren't they? On our part, we will not sit idly by: our magical AI system will assist you throughout the process by showing recommendations based on your script keywords.

Visual references boards can be used not only for selecting assets needed for your production and reference creation but may be transformed into a simple storyboard template where you can upload your own drafts or images.
In addition, you'll be presented with a Total Summary board: all tags are sorted by the overall appearance in the scenes and even by their mentions in the entire script.

Filmustage’s functionality provides an easy search of most or least popular tags. You are welcome to sort them out and edit any way you want or even use that template as a simple reference for your future projects.
Together, the Visual References board and the Total Summary board create a unique combination that has not yet been seen on the market. We believe that our technology opens up a single pre-production workspace, where professionals can save the most valuable concern - time.
Moving on, after your breakdown and references board are finished it is also possible to add your personal notes to every tag in a total summary section with the updated Notes 2.0 feature!

Working with scripts has never been so easy and convenient: everything you need to create a comprehensible script is at your fingertips! Stay tuned for further updates, because Filmustage is not ready to stop when it comes to high-end technology.
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