Now with scheduling: Final countdown
We are happy to present the beta-testing of the new Filmustage functionality!

We've been digging so hard into your feedback, requests, and experiences that now we are happy to present our beta-testing of the automatic scheduling feature.
Having written extensively about film and its production, we understand how complex and time-consuming the process of planning the filming process is. We've experienced these difficulties ourselves on the set, so we're working hard to develop the most user-friendly and functional service to help all filmmakers create without the tedious planning and scheduling process.
But there is still a lot of work ahead, and we hope that you will help us make Filmustage even better, so expect an email with an invitation to beta-testing in the next couple of weeks!
From Breakdown to Budget in Clicks
Save time, cut costs, and let Filmustage’s AI handle the heavy lifting — all in a single day.