March has finally ended
So much has happened in the past 31 days, it feels as if one month was an entire year. Just to prove we're alive and working full-time to bring you the best possible experience, here's the list of upcoming features...

Egor Dubrovsky
12 April, 2021 - 1 min read

So much has happened in the past 31 days. It feels as if one month was an entire year. Just to prove we're alive and working full-time to bring you the best possible experience, here's the list of upcoming features:
- Various tags operations: Combine, edit, remove stuff.
- Editing mode on the Breakdown tab for more accessible tag manipulations.
- Add tags not present in the script itself. Soon, you'll be able to list everything left behind the scenes.
- View the whole script with the breakdown and save it as PFD. And finally…

Do you have questions or comments on that? We'll be happy to hear from you at [email protected]. ✊
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